Saturday, July 25, 2015

Leaving Alaska Soon

I'm sure Linda will have a few more posts before we leave Alaska, a place I lived for 23 years, the longest I lived anywhere in my 72 1/2 years.  I lived in Anchorage but at one time orthe other I visited most of the rest of the state, missing only the tourist Alaska most people see (Juneau and the inside passage.)  Anchorage is my favorite city.  With 10, 946 acres of parkland, 23 city parks, 250 miles of trails, 135 miles are paved trails,  In the winter who cares about paving?  Its snow covered anyway.  A city of 300,000 and the real heart of Alaska,   With winter festivals, Iditirod, Fur Rondy, and a festival somewhere in the state almost every week, plus ongoing fishing contests for biggest halibut or tagged salmon during the summer,  there is always something going on.  And let's not forget the Nenena Ice Classic,  Date and time of when the ice breaks up on the river and starts to move.  A tripod set on the ice and tied to a clock to record the exact time.

Well, good bye Alaska, I loved you well,  but its time to leave.  So long to the Great Land I'll probably never see again.

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